Read more about the article Borrowing Happiness from Tomorrow: The Art of Living in the Present
Photo by Peng Louis:

Borrowing Happiness from Tomorrow: The Art of Living in the Present

This article discusses how daydreaming about a perfect future can rob us of the joy of living in the present moment. It explains that constantly chasing happiness in the future leads to dissatisfaction and offers a "BFB Success Formula" with six strategies to help readers live in the present, including practicing gratitude, mindfulness, letting go of perfectionism, being kind to oneself, reconnecting with others, and embracing humor.

Read more about the article Why you should be your own best friend
Photo by Tim Mossholder

Why you should be your own best friend

In this blog post, you'll discover why it's essential to be your own best friend and learn simple tips for cultivating self-love and care. By becoming your own advocate, you can boost your self-esteem, improve your mindset, and positively impact your overall well-being. Don't miss out on this valuable advice for practicing self-love and care in your life.

Read more about the article How to cope when grief comes in waves
Photo by Ray Bilcliff on Pexels

How to cope when grief comes in waves

Grief may feel like an endless experience, welling up, surging and breaking over you, but there are stages to your grief. Understanding these stages will help you to cope when grief comes in waves.

Read more about the article Comforting words for loss of a pet
Photo by Dhivakaran S

Comforting words for loss of a pet

Dealing with the loss of a pet can be as traumatic an experience as anyone can have in this life. While the pain of that loss may never truly leave you, there are words of comfort that can see you through some of your darker moments.