Read more about the article Recipe for happiness in 21 days
Photo by Archie Binamira

Recipe for happiness in 21 days

Psychology as a discipline tends to focus on problems - identifying them, exploring them, and solving them (as best as possible). This article looks at positive psychology, the longest ever psychological study, and the 21 day recipe for happiness.

Read more about the article Choose joy
Photo by Bekka Mongeau

Choose joy

The lives of others may seem amazing to you. Yet even the super-rich, celebrities, and people who seem to have everything anyone could desire may not remember (or feel able) to choose joy.

Read more about the article What makes a good life?
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

What makes a good life?

The notion of what makes a good life has been pondered and discussed by humans for millennia. This article takes a looks at a few of the ideas put forward by some western philosophers.